tune your mind to creativity

Firdaus Kharas

the next step in my lifelong pursuit of improving the human condition

Having spent the last 28 years strategically and skillfully creating mass communications to address important and controversial issues most people are afraid to even acknowledge, it’s time to begin the next step in my journey: inspiring new generations  to continue creating change in the world

Firdaus Kharas

Inspired by doing simple jobs at age 8 for Mother Teresa in his native Calcutta, Firdaus Kharas, MA, D.Hum (hc), LL.D. (hc) has desired to have a social impact throughout his life. His impact has culminated in articles that credit him with influencing or saving “millions of lives”.

Using mass communications as his tool through Chocolate Moose Media, he has been a pioneer in social entrepreneurship for the last 28 years. Working alone out of his home, he has created over 4,000 animated shorts, versioned into over 500 languages that have been used in 198 countries and seen by over a billion people. As well, he has produced numerous documentaries and TV series seen around the world.

Showered with 120 awards, he has received the prestigious Peabody Award and was named one of the world’s 50 Most Talented Social Innovators and the Best Global Informative Short Film Producer for his unique ability to cross the barriers to human communications like language, religion and culture.

“millions of lives”


Popular Speaking Topics


  • Communicate with Anyone, Anywhere, on Anything
  • How to Create Impact
  • Creating Communications for Impact
  • The Two Most Important Skills Necessary for Now and the Future
  • The Company of the Future: Shareholders and Social Impact


  • Thinking Big.  Really Big.
  • Awareness is Not Enough
  • Making Highly Complex Subjects Easily Understood
  • Making Yourself/Your Company an Agent for Change


  • My Plea To You (motivational speech)

Download my speaker pack

Sometimes it’s nice to have something in-hand to review at event meetings


recent talks

  • TEDx talk
  • World Humanitarian Summit
  • Game-Changers Summit, USA
  • Media For Social Impact Summit, United Nations
  • Global Health and Innovation Conference, Yale University, USA
  • United Kingdom Department for International Development
  • InfoPoverty Conference at the United Nations
  • WAEE, Saudi Arabia
  • Global Mobile Health Education Conference, Ireland
  • Mobile Health Summit, South Africa
  • Children’s Media Conference, England
  • Lake Geneva Innovation Society, Switzerland

“By combining accessible humour and hard-hitting messaging, his productions will no doubt continue to shine a warm light on some of the most pressing issues facing societies”


The Guardian, International Edition


"Firdaus Kharas used talking condoms to shift global attitudes about HIV/AIDS and saved millions of lives in the process"


Reader’s Digest Canada


"..discover a man determined to make the world a better place ...unique approach using humour in animated TV spots created to help eradicate HIV/AIDS and malaria....Here [is] a driven, passionate man worth discovering”


Randy Kelly, Director of the Documentary: Firdaus Kharas: The Animated Activist


"...unique and inspiring individual..."


University of Nipissing Agents of Peace Initiative

Proud recipient of

  • Peabody Award (equivalent to a Pulitzer)
  • Humanitarian Outstanding Achievement Awards
  • Global Development Award
  • End Malaria Award
  • Honorary Fellowship
  • ReelWorld Trailblazer Award
  • Golden Eagles
  • World’s 50 Most Talented Social Innovators
  • Best Global Informative Short Film Producer
  • United Nations Peace Medal
  • Honorary Doctorates & Distinguished Alumnus Award from two alma mater universities
  • Telly Awards
  • Gold, New York Festivals
  • Silver Hugo
  • Muse Creative
  • Best Social Change Media Production Company, Canadian Business Awards – 2019

… and many more.


In addition to honorary doctorates, I hold nine degrees and certificates from eight universities, including Carleton, Harvard, the London School of Economics (LSE) & Stanford.

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